Punday Friday (2)


It’s not Friday anymore but I forgot to post this so for the duration of the post – IT’S FRIDAY (partying, partying, yeah! pun pun pun!).

If you don’t love puns, you have no soul. Continue reading “Punday Friday (2)”

The life of a reformed argumentative bitch, deux.

I wrote part one a while ago and I’m happy to report that I have mostly stuck to everything there. I’ve had some disagreements with people, of course, that’s life but no real major arguments, which is good because this hasn’t been the year for bullshit. *kanye shrug*
Continue reading “The life of a reformed argumentative bitch, deux.”

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Your Number One.”

What was the #1 song when you were born? (not sure? you can find out here.) Write about how the song relates (or not!) to your personality.

Well this seems fun and I’m bored.

wpid-wp-1438834124280.gif Continue reading “Your Number One..”

Some thoughts on ‘Forever’ (ABC) and the fact that there are WAY too many substandard shows on TV at the moment

imageNew York’s star medical examiner, Dr. Henry Morgan, doesn’t study the dead only to help solve criminal cases. Born 200 years ago, he hopes his work also will help solve mysteries about his own mysterious immortality. The remarkable observational skills he has developed over his long life impress his new partner, Detective Jo Martinez, and as they get to know each other, more of his colourful past slowly reveals itself – even as he continues to keep his long life secret from everyone except his best friend and confidant, Abe.

Continue reading “Some thoughts on ‘Forever’ (ABC) and the fact that there are WAY too many substandard shows on TV at the moment”

Well, this is interesting…

I know I’m several months and possibly a year late in watching this but what the everloving watermelon lemon hell is this? I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or do damage to myself with my eyeliner. I remember people saying that this video was rife with cultural appropriation and…it’s hard to argue with that really.

I liked Avril better when she was saying see you later to her sk8r boi.

I think the person on YouTube who wrote this comment

How much meth does it take to enjoy this?

asked the most pertinent question. I can only assume that the answer is a lot.

THROWBACK SUNDAY and the curse of the no-idea-if-we’ve-been-renewed-finale.

I know that today is Thursday but for some reason I wrote Sunday. And I’m just going to leave it like that. I’m weird. I know.

Anyway, my throwback Sunday is this:

Continue reading “THROWBACK SUNDAY and the curse of the no-idea-if-we’ve-been-renewed-finale.”

Automatic hand dryer adventures, Empire and One Big Happy (plus an update on the recaps)

Some don’t work. Some require you to do some sort of inverted, jazz hands for at least thirty seconds before they come on (at which point you’re already frustrated and about to leave and then you have to wait for another thirty seconds now that you know that it is actually working), and some are just kind of crazy. Every time I use one of the exuberant hand dryers I forget what it was like the previous time and ending reacting like this:


(Jared’s padanormous turbo charged nostril flare would probably cause the same reaction. :P)


Empire isn’t really my kind of show. I have an aversion to anything where people break out into songs, usually because I have a very bad attention span and it startles me LOL. I actually do really like the show though. Which is surprising given all the hype surrounding it! The only reason I even watched it now is because I had no internet so I was stuck with nothing to watch and I happened to have the first few episodes on hand. I might post a longer post on it later but if you’re thinking of checking it out, it’s pretty good.

One Big Happy

I know that I wrote a whole post on how terrible this show is but the following two episodes have been a lot better. It’s actually kind of funny in a quirky, offbeat kind of way. I’m still not feeling Nick Zano’s hair though. 😛


I still haven’t watched an episode past the last one I did (the musical episode) and that won’t change for a while. At this point, I’d say there’s a 70/30 chance that I’ll do some episodes over the summer hiatus or just skip straight to the finale or something. I think this is the longest I’ve ever gone without watching the show, which is either awesome or sad, I haven’t really thought about it much, lol. I certainly don’t miss being visually and aurally assaulted by Sam’s haircut and Dean’s addiction to gravel. If all else fails, I will snark about the final *sniff but yay* season of The Mentalist (which I also can’t quite bring myself to watch just yet. Mon dieu!).

Throwback Thursday

So I’ve been on an old music kick of late, and when digging through old CDs, I found an old copy of Beautiful Soul and thus began my week of listening to every single Jesse Mac song ever to be made.

Naturally, I migrated to YouTube where I stumbled upon this:

This song used to be my jam, but the video never fails to amuse me. It’s like a four minute road safety video without the car crash. I especially like the part at the 1:59 mark when Ludacris shows up….holding chains connected to two different moving cars….as he stands on another car. Quite what message we’re supposed to take from the video I don’t know. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during the concept meeting. The car theme seems to come up in a lot his videos even though he still looks like he’s not tall enough to reach a steering wheel. 😛

The story so far: once upon a time, Jesse wanted you and your  beautiful soouuuul His blond bowl-cut hair is kind of hilarious. And there was that time he lived because you lived. And then he just wanted you to know, that he’s right where you want him, because he can’t let you go. Oh, and there was the was the whole Disney thing (the lip syncing is quite funny in this one). And then he was leavin‘, but not before letting you know that he didn’t speak Japanese, Spanish or French but your body language definitely made sense.

We also can’t forget that time that you were his (and the rest of Dreamstreet’s) sugar rush! LOL at the kid with the red glasses…oh and something happened every time down on Dreamstreet. Apparently. The end of the video makes the song seem a lot less innocent than advertised…hahahaha.

laughing gifMost recently, Jesse’s moved onto some girl who’s Superbad, presumably because beautiful souls aren’t very 2014. His fans don’t seem to like this new Jesse, because the old one actual had morals or something. It’s all very amusing.

Typical comment to be found on each video: OMG JESSE MCCARTNEY SHOULD BE WHERE BIEBER IS NOW. Be careful what you wish for JMac-ers (I think I cried internally at this term still being a thing. I thought we left it behind us in 2008!)

Ah, these videos make me feel old, lol.

December is upon us!

And I haven’t done a recap or watched the show for about a month. Oh well. Apparently the show’s improved blah, blah, blah. People say this every year when the show starts off with five shitty episodes and then reaches such a particularly woeful level of shit that takes it takes another five episodes for them to realise that it didn’t get better, it was just slightly less shit than the REALLY SHITTY episode that preceded the ‘good’ episodes. I’ve got fandom’s number. And my armchair psychology diploma. I see everything.

Continue reading “December is upon us!”

Let me tell you about my day.

Or well, let me bitch about my day, because we all know that’s the only reason why I’d be talking about my day. I have an entire blog dedicated to a show that I kind of hate – my life is clearly not that exciting.

My alarm went off at 5.30am. That was already a bad start to the day.

Continue reading “Let me tell you about my day.”