The Winchesters has been cancelled

I had completely forgotten about it to be honest. Supernatural dropped into a black hole for me long before it ended. And anyway, the drama surrounding the spin-off was more interesting than the concept itself.

Like, THAT’S the show I would have made.

Two actors. Two honorary brothers. Forced apart by destiny. AND SHOWBIZ! Join us as we navigate a world full of betrayal, overzealous fans, and a wide-ranging lack of ideas. Twelve episodes of Jensen working round the clock to put a TV show together while Jared storms around town trying to shut the entire thing down. Solid entertainment.

Anyway, did anyone watch this show? Was it good? Okay, so that’s a dumb question. Was it so bad it was good?

I see that Jensen is campaigning for it to be saved but…if it’s not on The CW, is there any point?

7 thoughts on “The Winchesters has been cancelled

  1. It wasn’t so bad its good, it was just bad. All I saw was the trailer and that was bad enough. It had a scooby gang (minus the dog) stumbling around in what was supposed to be the 1970’s but looked more like the late 90’s. It also featured Mr. Gravel Voice doing occasional narration. Meanwhile, Walker was renewed for a 4th season.


    1. I’m not surprised Walker was renewed. I remember the news about the average CW viewer being 60+! I guess they’re finding some enjoyment in it, lol. I wonder what Jensen has planned next. I saw he was angling to be cast as Batman but please God, NO!


      1. Well Jensen didn’t get Batman, it went to an actor 15 years his junior. I’m waiting to hear how his rabid fans will spin it.


        1. I don’t think they’ve cast Batman yet. I don’t see it going to him, anyway. He’s Batman-growled enough for a lifetime! And with the strike, who even knows what’s going to happen with these movies. I’m a DC fan, but even I think there is little need for yet another Batman movie.


  2. As someone that watched you have an open tantrum about what Jared and his wife did for Pop suki when their daughter was born it’s funny as hell you’re just ignoring their blatant greed and nepotism over this shitty prequel. Jensen Ackles showed he not only has no business producing, but that he didn’t really care about spn at all. Hell he’s now getting SUED because someone nearly got killed on his set.


    1. Do we know each other? I don’t recall having any tantrums when their daughter was born – I don’t even know when that was. Or who/what Pop suki is…? Maybe you’re confusing me with someone else.

      Not surprised about the Jensen stuff. And most of this blog was me calling them out over greed! The Winchesters was proof that JA is devoid of ideas and unable to let his character go. I don’t understand how it made it past the unaired pilot stage. What happened to the person on set??


      1. IIRC, they were filming outdoors when a thunderstorm was coming and JA insisted the crew keep filming and someone was hit by lightning. 

        I’m enjoying the consternation from the AA types because Jared’s show was renewed while JA has nothing lined up. Not that I’m a fan of Walker, but those morons tried their best to bully me off the old IMDB and TWOP boards for daring not to love Ackles and his one manly tear.
