Titans (Seasons 1-4) – DC TV

  • Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson / Robin / Nightwing
  • Anna Diop as Koriand’r / Starfire
  • Teagan Croft as Rachel Roth / Raven
  • Ryan Potter as Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
  • Curran Walters as Jason Todd / Red Hood
  • Conor Leslie as Donna Troy / Wonder Girl
  • Minka Kelly as Dawn Granger / Dove
  • Alan Ritchson as Hank Hall / Hawk
  • Joshua Orpin as Conner Kent / Superboy
  • Chelsea Zhang as Rose Wilson / Ravager
  • Chella Man as Joseph Wilson / Jericho
  • Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne / Batman
1 minute

Full disclosure, the season summaries were written by Jetpack AI but everything else is my own words. And also, AI is kind of creepy – but that’s a post for another time.



I found my original draft on this show and in it, I complained about the writing and the horrible blue filter. Those complaints still stand. That being said, the show has come to an end, and I’m actually going to miss it. Hate-watching it was a fun experience. I don’t even think I was hate-watching after a certain point. Well. I hated watching Season 3.

Anyway, I rewatched it from the beginning and there are things the show got right. The cast is fantastic. I can’t fault them. The wigs and costumes are so-so, but the ones they get right are nice to see onscreen.

Continue reading “Titans (Seasons 1-4) – DC TV”

24 (Season 1-8, Live Another Day & Legacy)


Jack Bauer is a sociopath.


I said what I said. 

I watched all nine seasons of 24, and also 24: Legacy and Jack Bauer is the most ridiculous character I have ever seen. With each season, he went further off the rails. There was just too much going on. I don’t even know where to begin with this review. 

I reviewed Season 1 separately here

There are multiple nuclear bombs, a killer virus, and nerve gas, at one point Bauer is in a fictional African country, he’s addicted to heroin, he pisses off the Chinese, pisses off the Russians, and pisses off the Americans. Somehow, he falls in love with a retconned FBI Agent and gets her killed purely because his response to finding out she was depressed was to start a relationship with her?

That being said, with the exception of Season 6, the show is VERY entertaining. If only because you want to see what ridiculous thing they come up with next. I’m not sure if we’re supposed to root for Jack Bauer or if this was some kind of commentary on what this kind of work can do to a person? By the end of it all, I was tired. TI-YAD. 

I did like Jack and Chloe’s friendship, though. It was the only thing that rang true on the show. 

General points:

1. Kim was annoying. I love Elisha Cuthbert, but the writers did her dirty.
2. WHY SO MANY DOUBLE AGENTS/MOLES? Was CTU not paying their staff enough money?
3. Really, Jack? All that killing and he never needed to take a whizz? I don’t buy it. 
4.  Curtis. CURTIS. 
5. Tony and Michelle were robbed of their happily ever after and I will never get over it. 
6. Audrey…just…no. No. 
7. I didn’t like Renee either. 
8. They put Teri THROUGH SO MUCH and she only had one season. Jack was never the same. 
9. Jack Bauer. James Bond. I SEE WHAT THEY DID THERE. 

24 legacy

I’m not sure what they were trying to do with Legacy, but there is a reason it only lasted one season. DAT’S ALL. 

Victorious (Nickelodeon)

I wrote this so long ago that it’s time I set it free. It will also serve as a reminder that when I can’t find anything else to watch, a book will suffice.

Why is Avan Jogia even on this show? HIS CHARACTER DOESN’T DO ANYTHING. Unless being a bad boyfriend counts? And having wonderful hair. I take it back. He served his purpose and he served it well.

This show is…strange. It’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever watched. I would not show my children this unless I wanted to mentally scar them.

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how much tv is too much tv?

I have no answer. I’m just here to ramble about what I’ve been watching.

Echoes (Netflix)

Someone on Twitter told me that it would all make sense in the end, but all this show did was creep me out. I spent the first four episodes confused.

…and then when things finally started making sense, it went full Lifetime. There was a therapist who married his patient and wrote diaries on how his wife switched regularly with her identical twin sister. EXCUSE ME. Not only did he know, he was okay with it? I feel sorry for his patients.

Also, consent issues, much? The show kind of glosses over it. The only person who reacts appropriately to finding out the twins have been switching every year is their older sister – who was pushed Leni (the bad twin), but she thought it was Gina (the good one). When Gina tells her the truth, Older Sister was mad at her anyway.

Anyway, crazy as it is – everyone is going to get their comeuppance, right?


I won’t spoil the end, but…I don’t recommend this show.

Continue reading “how much tv is too much tv?”

Superman & Lois (Season 1-2)

Superman & Lois (The CW)

Note: I am angry that I am angry about a CW show with the word ‘Super’ in the year 2022. I THOUGHT I WAS PAST THIS.

Season 1 was SO GOOD. I don’t have much to say. The family moments were cute. Clark and Lois were cute. Superman was cute. Tyler was cute. Everything was on point. It wasn’t perfect, but it was entertaining, engaging and a fun way to embrace the Superman IP.

And then Season 2 entered the chat and crapped all over the place.

Continue reading “Superman & Lois (Season 1-2)”

california, here we come

I miss snarking about TV, so, for a limited time only, I have returned!

I’m joking. I never really left.

I just don’t hit ‘publish’. #draftsouttacontrol #arehashtagsstillcool?

The O.C.




I started listening to the podcast with Summer and Julie Cooper but I don’t care enough about the show. I didn’t make it past the first episode. I did like the OC Dudes podcast (probably not what it’s called).

Anyway, SEASON 1 IS EVERYTHING! I wish they’d stopped there because it was not the same afterwards. Everything was just dramatic for no reason. And then they went and ruined Sandy for no good reason.

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what I’m watching #3

I have been working on this post for three months because all I did was rewatch Smallville for a long time. I seem to be able to watch other things now, so hopefully my next post will have more shows (or not, I need to read more!).


I accidentally almost watched the Arc of Suck. Picture this. It was Season 8, Clark was finally working at the Daily Planet. He was partners with Lois. They were getting closer and after four seasons of JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY we were so close. They moved in for a kiss and Lana Lang walked in.

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I’ve never seen a season tank so fast after such a good first half. Except for maybe Twisted? I still think about Twisted from time to time. I think my favourite non-favourite thing about the show was the on-screen hashtags. #PoorJo.

Anyway, I ditched this arc and started watching…

Continue reading “what I’m watching #3”

Cobra Kai: Season 3, Episode 2-10

Cobra Kai: Season 3

I watched this at the start of the year, but never posted this. Figure this is a good a time as anything!

TL;DR – This show can be frustrating at times, but it’s always entertaining!

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what I’m watching | july 2021



I actually really liked the first few episodes of Fastlane until I realised that… it was the same episode over and over again. I eventually rage quit when there was this really gross scene where it was just girls dancing in slow motion and I was like, ‘HOW MANY TIMES?!’.


Every episode there was a club or beach house scene with girls, girls and more girls. Most of the time our white, male lead falls for one of them and we get an awkward, sultry, slow motion love scene. Cringe.

Fastlane would work as a movie, maybe. Watching the same thing happen (in slow motion) for twenty two episodes is not good TV.

That being said, I don’t think I was the target audience for the show anyway.

Justice League Unlimited (DCAU)

I’m on the third season now. I like the show, but I think the reason why it’s not as good as Justice League is the ensemble cast. There are so many characters now that it’s hard to really get lost in it. I did like the Cadmus Labs arc in the second season, though.

Above all, there is not enough Superman. There’s not enough Batman. They should make a Batman/Superman show!

Continue reading “what I’m watching | july 2021”

that feeling when it’s really batman!

Superman is just the best.

I don’t want to turn this into an impromptu Superman is the best post, so I’ll just snark about some of the animated movies instead.

Why are they constantly retelling Superman’s origins… or pitting him against the same villains. Not that it matters because half of the movie is just Superman and the other guy pummelling each other and smashing buildings…

… and that gets old after five minutes.

Anyway, I hear there’s a new animated series coming out about Clark, Lois and Jimmy hanging out at the Daily Planet, etc. Yes, yes and yes, I’m ready for it.

In the meantime I’m watching Justice League Unlimited now and it’s perfect. PERFECT.