

Hey all, welcome to my blog.  

If you’re here because you’re tired of Supernatural and the cast- I have a lot of posts that will be of interest to you. Way too many. I kind of wish they’d retire the show and their stupidity. If you’re wondering why I’m trash talking your favourite show – there’s an explanation post here.

Please read the rest of this post if you’re wondering where the Supernatural recaps have gone.

If you have a general comment about Supernatural, the cast or whatever, I now have an open thread!

Continue reading “HELLO!”

when you’re your own tyler durden

…in which I go through my old posts and wonder what the heck I was thinking.

LMAO. I had forgotten all about this. It’s still funny as heck. Why do I feel like the friend in this dream was really just me, but like, Fight Club style. I was my own Tyler Durden.

Unexpected line(s):

…I worked seven jobs and sold my priceless unicorn collection to be able to afford this con and you can’t take your fucking hat off? Who the fuck do you think you are?!


This is still terrifying.

In the comments, I stated that I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump won. LITTLE DID I KNOW.

Unexpected lines:

Locker room talk’ is now an acceptable excuse for degrading comments. Has Trump even been inside a locker room? Wouldn’t the steam from the showers make his spray tan run?

Titans (Seasons 1-4) – DC TV

  • Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson / Robin / Nightwing
  • Anna Diop as Koriand’r / Starfire
  • Teagan Croft as Rachel Roth / Raven
  • Ryan Potter as Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
  • Curran Walters as Jason Todd / Red Hood
  • Conor Leslie as Donna Troy / Wonder Girl
  • Minka Kelly as Dawn Granger / Dove
  • Alan Ritchson as Hank Hall / Hawk
  • Joshua Orpin as Conner Kent / Superboy
  • Chelsea Zhang as Rose Wilson / Ravager
  • Chella Man as Joseph Wilson / Jericho
  • Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne / Batman
1 minute

Full disclosure, the season summaries were written by Jetpack AI but everything else is my own words. And also, AI is kind of creepy – but that’s a post for another time.



I found my original draft on this show and in it, I complained about the writing and the horrible blue filter. Those complaints still stand. That being said, the show has come to an end, and I’m actually going to miss it. Hate-watching it was a fun experience. I don’t even think I was hate-watching after a certain point. Well. I hated watching Season 3.

Anyway, I rewatched it from the beginning and there are things the show got right. The cast is fantastic. I can’t fault them. The wigs and costumes are so-so, but the ones they get right are nice to see onscreen.

Continue reading “Titans (Seasons 1-4) – DC TV”

Hijack (Apple TV)

When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, corporate negotiator Sam Nelson tries to use his professional skills to save everyone on board. 

Watch here

Someone on Google started off their review like this:

Hijack has left me spellbound, eagerly awaiting each new episode with bated breath. Not since the days of Jack Bauer’s 24 have I felt such anticipation for a series.

A viewer with questionable opinions

I DON’T THINK SO. 24 at least had dramatic tension. Hijack gave us a tease at best.

This show started off well. Despite all signs saying I should quit while I was ahead (constant buffering, internet not working), I pushed through and it became increasingly ludicrous.

The show is about Sam Nelson, a vague super negotiator stuck on a hijacked plane coming from Dubai and heading to London. He’s on the outs with his wife. By that, I mean that she’s moved on and he’s…well, he’s a married man with a son. He has something to live for. He offers to help the hijackers when he senses they are all incompetent.

Meanwhile, his wife’s boyfriend is a police officer. Sam is able to text his wife about the incident on the plane. The boyfriend investigates by getting his ex-girlfriend to investigate. I don’t know why all the characters had to be so linked. We have a Dubai subplot that explains how the hijackers snuck their weapons onto the plane. They kidnapped the security agent’s family. Okay, and? Like one person is responsible for checking all the bags. I’m sure there’s another part to that process.

Anyway, things escalate quickly. The hijackers turn the plane WiFi off, except for when it’s on and they need to send and receive messages. The hijackers also have fake guns because…they’re not very smart? And when there is trouble, the lead hijacker breaks out the real bullets and kills someone. By the way, Sam and the people on the plane figure out that the bullets are fake and do nothing. They strategize because…we still have four episodes to go!

The rest of the show proceeds in a typical fashion. We find out more about the hijackers – they are lackeys who are being used by two criminals in jail to break out. The Home Office authorises their release after they ‘kill’ someone on the plane. And then the criminals turn on each other and that’s the end of that plot point. We also randomly have a second hijacker on the plane who shoots the pilot and tries to crash the plane because the criminals kidnapped her daughter. Eventually, Sam – super negotiator – is able to talk some sense into her. This is not Idris’s finer work by the way. He looks mildy uncomfortable during the entire thing. Like he’s wondering how the hell he ended up in his low-budget mess.

…and that’s it. I have missed out a lot, but the day is saved. They land the plane and the police grab the bad guys.


After accepting Sam’s help, sending ‘cleaners’ after his family and not killing him when he had the chance, the lead hijacker decides to close the plane doors and try to kill Sam. There are multiple armed police squads outside. In fact – someone should have probably been escorting the people out of the plane. Never mind that WTF is the lead hijacker’s end game here? He kills Sam and then one, opens the plane doors and steps back out without anyone noticing? There are hundreds of people outside!

This was a sour ending to what was an okay show. It was not necessary – especially when there were other plot points that needed more time.

Much like the plane, Hijack ran out of fuel and never picked up again after the first few episodes.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Attacking Jussie: The Osundairo Brothers Story – REVIEW

I am sorry to have to do this to regular degular people, but I need both guys to sit down and think about their life choices.

I listened to this six-part podcast with them (and watched one episode of the documentary series and apparently they have a book coming out and…I hope I don’t read it). I was just rolling my eyes and shaking my head the entire time. The lack of common sense is astounding. It’s easy to see how they ended up in the position they’re in. If I, for whatever reason, wanted to stage a hate crime, I’d call them up.

Continue reading “Attacking Jussie: The Osundairo Brothers Story – REVIEW”

The Winchesters has been cancelled

I had completely forgotten about it to be honest. Supernatural dropped into a black hole for me long before it ended. And anyway, the drama surrounding the spin-off was more interesting than the concept itself.

Like, THAT’S the show I would have made.

Two actors. Two honorary brothers. Forced apart by destiny. AND SHOWBIZ! Join us as we navigate a world full of betrayal, overzealous fans, and a wide-ranging lack of ideas. Twelve episodes of Jensen working round the clock to put a TV show together while Jared storms around town trying to shut the entire thing down. Solid entertainment.

Anyway, did anyone watch this show? Was it good? Okay, so that’s a dumb question. Was it so bad it was good?

I see that Jensen is campaigning for it to be saved but…if it’s not on The CW, is there any point?

#43 – Eagle Eye (2008)

…in which I examine if bad movies really deserve their woeful rotten tomatoes score

Eagle Eye 2008 26%
Jerry Shaw and Rachel Holloman receive a mysterious call from an unknown woman. The woman controls their every move and asks them to carry out a dangerous mission planned by a terrorist outfit.

The first thing I recognized while watching this was the back of Michael Chiklis’s head. After some cookie-cutter military talk, we jump to Shia Labeouf working at a copy store. He’s broke and can’t afford rent. His twin brother dies so he flies back home. By the time he makes it back to his apartment, it’s full of terrorist paraphernalia. 

First, if you get home and your landlord tells you there are boxes in your apartment and you didn’t order anything?


Do not proceed to touch everything and leave your fingerprints all over it.  Continue reading “#43 – Eagle Eye (2008)”

I need to revisit ‘The Fog’

…in which I go through my old posts and wonder what the heck I was thinking.

One of my favourite ‘original’ posts I had when I created the blog. PADAQUAMAN FOREVER. I had plans to turn one of these into a full-blown script recently. We’ll see.

This movie made me so ANGRY. Mainly because Tom Welling did this but he didn’t put on the Superman suit. I don’t know. I never said I was rational.

Unexpected line(s):

For some reason people find this movie romantic, but how? I spent most of it reading reviews and scratching my head. And wondering why Maggie Grace (she plays Travis’s sister) is wearing a wig. Or why she’s in this. Like Tom Welling, it was a head-scratcher. Was this movie their penance for being in The Fog? I need to revisit The Fog.

I don’t get too political on here anymore, but this was worth the re-read. Sadly, nothing has changed.

Too much one-sided history 

…in which I go through my old posts and wonder what the heck I was thinking.

There is a lot to unpack here. I think I was responding to people who thought I was a hateful person because I was critiquing their favourite TV show. It’s a tongue-in-cheek interview of myself. I think there is an important message buried in the snark. Do you. Don’t let people rain on your parade. Don’t feel like you need to explain yourself to anyone. DO YOU. Always. Unless you’re breaking the law. In that case – don’t.

Unexpected line of the post:

This fear of criticism is why you see some funky ass buildings sometimes. Nobody told Mr Big Shot Architect that his building looks like an ugly lump of metal.

I loved this series! I think they’re STILL the only complete scripts I’ve written. I need to write more. My next one needs to be Netflix-esque drama.

WOW. The episode where the main characters on Supernatural had slept with the same woman, and also one of them was possessing an old whiskey flask. I am thankful that I do not remember any of it!

Bad Moviethon – #42 – Days of Thunder (1990)

…in which I examine if bad movies really deserve their woeful rotten tomatoes score

Days Of Thunder 1990 38%
Cole Trickle, a budding racer, is recruited by a big brand but meets with an accident. However, when he returns, he has to face an adversary who not only wants to defeat but also disable him.

Technically, I don’t think this is classed as bad, but it fits my criteria of an RT score of 50% or less. Anyway, I am not a NASCAR fan, but I used to watch and follow Formula One. I love sports movies, even though they’re usually predictable.

Days of Thunder isn’t remarkable. I liked the first half of the movie, though, it was entertaining, cheesy and a perfect mix of the 80s/90s ridiculousness and then…I reached the midpoint and lost interest. It was like the film was ticking off tropes.

The wildcard racer is injured and falls in love with his doctor, and his rival/friend is SEVERELY injured (and when did they become friends, anyway?) to the point where he wonders what the point is, and then he has to bravely race his car’s friend because ~emotion. Wildcard racer recovers with no problem. His friend is screwed, though, and apparently, there is Daytona 500 to be raced. Except, now the wildcard racer is too scared to race until the Big Damn Race™ where he overcomes his fears and wins the damn thing.

The racing sequences…I’ll be honest, I am not an expert, but in hindsight, some of the things happening in the movie didn’t make any sense. At one point, the wildcard racer has to clear a track full of smoke and twenty other cars crashing into each other. Not to mention that they never show the front two racers breaking away from the other cars on the track. I suppose there’s a good reason for that – only the characters with names stand a chance at winning the races!

Once you get over the excitement of the racing (not that there’s much racing going on), there isn’t much left in this movie. We never learn about the characters beyond surface-level information. The pacing is off. Nothing is allowed to breathe, it’s just beat by beat. We never find out much about the sport (which is maybe by design?). Even the romance is contrived. Cruise and Kidman have chemistry, sure, but why? We never see that develop, it just happens. Kind of like everything else in the movie.


I’d give this a solid 2.5/5.

The musings of a thirteen-year-old girl

Welcome to THE REWIND, in which I go through some of my old posts and wonder what the heck I was thinking!

Date: June 16th 2016

Post: Taylor Swift sums up everything wrong with modern society

First, I am not a fan of Taylor Swift, but she’s not on my shit list either. I was taken aback by how strongly worded this is. Like, what did she do to me? LOL. I can only imagine that the news cycle was in overdrive and that I was annoyed by all kinds of things. That was the year I stopped watching Supernatural – I hadn’t fully healed yet! I’ve become mellow in my old age. I don’t think I would write a post like this today.

Date: April 17th 2017

Post: Tom Hardy, modern day vigilante

This one is hilarious. I’d forgotten all about this and somehow I managed to capture the event in my usual quippy manner.

What makes this post is the unexpected last line.

Anyway, kids, please don’t try this at home! Leave the c*** capturing to Tom! 

Date: July 5th 2014

Post: snarkview: 9×21, dean winchester is hooked on a feeling that sam doesn’t believe in.

I didn’t want to pick a Supernatural recap, but this is the HOOKED ON A FEELING recap. The memories.

Someone needs to get Castiel a VERY LARGE dose of bitch, please. 

There is always an unexpected line in these posts that catches me off guard. LOL. Most of the post makes little sense to me. I don’t remember the episode. Still, bonus points for the Hoff references!