
I’m back. Kind of.


(thanks to Jeff for reacquainting me with this gif!)


My reaction was not as controlled as that. I probably flared my nostrils and shit and like, bitched out a single tear. Anyway. It’s a shame but I will move on.

The CW also managed to air the Supernatural spin-off, realise it was a piece of garbage and subsequently dispose of it.

From what I saw (on one random article on one random site because I’ve been extremely out of the loop for the last two months) Supernatural fans didn’t like it because a. it was cheesy and b. Sam and Dean were only in it for fifteen minutes and c. The characters were lame and morally corrupt etc.

That sounds just like a normal episode of Supernatural to me. LOL. I didn’t realise that the fans were so picky.

Anyway, apparently the Supernatural finale has aired already? I don’t even know where to start from. Last I knew I had posted non-snark about an episode I didn’t watch, so I guess I’ll take it from there. Or not. I don’t know.



10 thoughts on “Really…

  1. I knew the cancellation of Almost Human would piss you off to say the least. Fox is the worst, cancel something original but bring back that 24 shit and act like it’s the TV equivalent of Jesus coming back. Ugh.
    I laughed when I heard cw decided against the SPN spinoff. I haven’t seen an episode since I last recapped one for you. That was a little over a year ago. I have no desire to see it anymore lol. 🙂
    Sorry again about Almost Human, I’ll bitch at Fox on your behalf if it ever comes up in a survey (you’d be surprised).


    1. I’m so annoyed. Fox clearly had it in for Almost Human before it even started because from what I heard it matched The Following in the ratings and didn’t do all that bad. LOL at 24. Yeah, the hype over that is kind of crazy annoying. I was going to watch it but I can’t be bothered now. They’ll probably cancel that as well in a year’s time.

      It’s kind of hilarious that they can’t even make a workable spin off out of their most popular show. Probably because there’s no actual plot or decent characters on the show. Short of creating a scenario with another set of dumbass, pretty, empty headed brothers, it was never going to work. I think I’ve seen four episodes from this season? I don’t even know, I’ll probably watch the spin off and the rest of the season following on from that. Like you, the desire is not there anymore and I’m just tired of Jared Padalecki and his face LOL.

      Thanks! It happens, sadly. I was really pissed last year when they cancelled Happy Endings but at the end of the day, there’s always reruns and whatnot 😉 Fox and the whole US TV system sucks monkey balls. CBS cancelled so many shows this year that most of their shows will be new what world is that a good idea? It’s just becoming ridiculous.


      1. My condolences. I didn’t even try Almost Human because I know FOX and their habit of cancelling good shows.

        According to some poster at IMBD, J2 said they’d be happy to go on for 12 seasons, or in other words, “neither of us have done anything outside SPN in 5 years, and we’re going to ride this dead horse as long as we can”.


        1. Thanks! AH was the first show in a long time that I really liked, Sleepy Hollow aside. FOX sucks. In fact all the US TV networks suck. They’re way too trigger happy when it comes to certain shows.

          LMAO. Oh lord, 12 SEASONS. Those two are ridiculous. Has it really been five years? I think they’re shitty horror movies are actually better than what the show is now. SMH. So on one hand, Jared’s ‘knocking back’ offers and on the other he’s willing to do two more additional seasons. One of these days their desire to collect a paycheck will outlast the CW’s desire to keep the show on air.


  2. The spinoff was worse than Man’s Best Friends With Benefits, Time for a Wedding, Bugs, Red Sky at Morning, Dog Dean Afternoon, and the Racist Truck episode put together.


  3. Fox pulled a firefly again in regards to Almost Human. The show could have done a better job on that one lady cop who was – what was she again? I liked the Sargent and I liked Dorian and his partner … Man, I’m going to miss all their faces.

    I would like to think another network would pick up the show but … :(.
    I want the show back, the two leads had great chemistry. WANT!


    1. Almost Human :/ *clings onto it*

      Minka Kelly? Yeah, her character was basically just pretty cardboard apart from the whole Chrome (I think that was it?) thing. But even that seemed like it was going somewhere. I’m going to miss all of them too! I wish Fox would have at least given them a back nine order so we could have gotten a better ending. I want it back too. Karl Urban and Michael Ealy had the BEST chemistry, it’s a shame that Fox didn’t see it that way. :/


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