Avengers: Endgame

People are annoying in general, but whenever things like Endgame come around, they seem to turn it up a notch.

I’m not the biggest MCU fan. I prefer the first two Thor movies over Ragnarok. I haven’t seen Infinity War (or half of the MCU movies). I have no plans to see Endgame in the near future and quite frankly, I am not interested in when anyone else plans to see it. I don’t get the hype. I feel like it’s a combination of FOMO and trend following because the way people go crazy over these films genuinely baffles me.

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Thor: Ragnarök (2017)

First things first, while I ended up really enjoying the movie, the opening scene had me like…WTF. I guess they were trying to ease us into the new Thor, but having watched the first two recently, it was really weird. I guess Team Thor was supposed to help with that… welp.

Secondly, I’m surprised that the critics are all over this movie. Yes, it’s very funny and enjoyable but there are some issues with it. Major ones that I’d expect a critic to point out. I was on IMDB looking at reviews and it’s a sea of 10/10. Initially, I gave it a 9/10 but I’ve since downgraded it to a 8/10 and by the time I’m done it might be even lower, lol. I’m getting a The Dark Knight Rises feel about this. That movie was so long that I thought it was amazing until I got home and I was just thinking…”…Wait a minute….”

Anyway Spoilers from this point forward!

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